Friday, October 23, 2015

The Epiphany of Marcus Graham
10:11 AM

The Epiphany of Marcus Graham

What happens when a man is confronted with himself?

The Epiphany of Marcus Graham is a look at relationships through the lens of a man's perspective. Navigating through themes of perception, past & future, reasoning, pursuit, challenge, conflict, options, resolve, result, commitment & everything in between from a place of authenticity & transparency. Posing questions, providing answers & cultivating dialogue with the intention of squelching false ideologies of manhood & how we function relationally to assist in re-establishing men to their rightful place of leadership through love, confidence, vision, resiliency, prayer, intimacy, courage, honesty, stabilization, security & integrity.


  1. Have You Ever? (prologue)
  2. Everything (perception) (ft Priest & Sean C. Johnson)
  3. Nothing (reasoning) (ft Uriah)
  4. Who Eye Am (pursuit) (ft Jonathan Baker)
  5. Desperation (challenge)
  6. If She Was... (conflict)
  7. Jacqueline vs Angela (options)
  8. Intentional (resolve) (ft Jonathan Baker)
  9. Give You A Minute (result) (ft Jonathan Baker)
  10. Tattoo (commitment) (ft Uriah)
  11. Have You Ever... (epilogue)
  12. Love Is, Too
  13. Girl (friend zone remix) (bonus footage

Listen via Soundcloud
(Update 11/20) Spotify Tidal now available
Purchase Deluxe Version via Bandcamp below

