Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Armond WakeUp - "Soul Glo (The Kairos Exeprience)" spoken word LIVE @ The Art of Storytelling 3/15/15
8:36 AM

Armond WakeUp - "Soul Glo (The Kairos Exeprience)" spoken word LIVE @ The Art of Storytelling 3/15/15

Sometimes I miss being an artist. Simply wanting to be heard. A few years ago, I worked 2 full time jobs & still rocked open mics 3-4 nights a week for over a year. I wasn't worried about the logistics of music; mulling over "what makes sense", the branding, the creative microscope (self imposed & from your audience), I didn't have to make a sincere effort to not be dismayed by the politics, before iTunes charts, the press coverage, the jealousy, the perception, the presentation, the nitpicking, I could go on.

Sunday I returned to one of the venues that stirred my love for artistic expression (thank you Searius Add). Ministry is birthed from love & passion, but it can become routine & lose its power. Like any relationship, you gotta work intently to keep it & grow it. I propped my phone up against a book & captured this Kairos moment. Its not pretty, but getting what you need is more important than how you look while getting it. #ThisIsKairos